WHO godt i gang med at overtage verdensherredømmet!
WHO er i gang med 2 forskellige planer som begge peger hen i mod at WHO reelt kan overtage verdensherredømmet via den næste pandemi:
- Ny Pandemi Traktat (kaldet New international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response)
- Ændringer til den af Danmark allerede tiltrådte aftale “International Health Regulations” (IHR)
Det er i øvrigt WHO selv der bestemmer kriterierne for hvornår de vælger at udråbe en pandemi.
Frem til fredag d. 16. september kan enhver der ønsker det, indspille en 90 sekunders video, som en kommentar til WHOs betænkningsperiode for traktaten.
WHOs planer kolliderer med konspirationen New World Order / The Great Reset og giver desværre nye beviser på den One World Government som en række organisationer ser ud til at spille en rolle i: FN, WHO, EU og Nato er nogle hjørnestenene i denne plan.
Men du kan stadig sende dit besyv til WHO!
Hermed en opfordring til at indspille din egen video og indsende den til WHO på nedenstående link:
Hvis du har brug for mere information, så besøg James Roguski på hans hjemmeside:
Husk også at tilmelde dig Telegram kanalen (oprettet af Flemming Blilcher) til at vidensdele for Danmark omkring WHOs Power Grab:
Herunder kan du se det bidrag til WHO Pandemi Traktat høringen som Flemming Blicher har indsendt til WHO:
Transcript af videoen (på engelsk):
This is Flemming Blicher
I am an engineer and I also have a Master of Business Administration degree
I speak for myself and for a Danish politican party called Freedom List or Frihedslisten, of which I am the newly elected chairman.
I am a concerned human being, who has seen what WHO have done to the world over the last nearly 2½ years.
What concerns me is, that:
- WHO declared a pandemic in March 2020 without much evidence of the claims that SARS-COV-2 was a virus which was more dangerous than other flu’s or virusses
- WHO recommended measures that has caused much more dammage and loss of lives, than the virus itself would ever have caused
- WHO has promoted mass vaccination of the worlds population with several vaccines that were not properly tested, and thereby caused millions and millions of unaware people to participate in a large scale biochemical experiment.
And now WHO is behind the design of a new pandemic treaty, and at the same time trying to change the International Health Regulations. In both cases the changes enhances the medical industry’s possibilities to take another power grib on the world, the next time WHO declares a pandemic.
We do not comply to your attempt to this power grib at the expense of the health of the world population.
By breaking the ethical standards set up by Nuremberg Code, and continue the regime of experiments on the world population, the WHO and all participating collaborators are criminalizing yourselves.